Coffee, it will make you smile
1. **Why did the coffee addict get fired?** Because he always kept caffeinating and decaffeinating.
2. **What do you call a lazy kangaroo?** A pouch potato. (But a hard-working one? A latte!)
3. **What do you call a fish with no eyes?** Fsh! (But a fish with no eyes and no legs? Fsh! and chips!)
4. **What do you call two coffee mugs sitting next to each other?** A happy cupple.
5. **What do beans say to their valentines?** You keep me grounded.
6. **A man walks into a library and asks the librarian for books about paranoia.** The librarian whispers, "They're right behind you!" (But a man who walks into a coffee shop and whispers the same thing? Just really excited about his caffeine fix!)
7. **What did the coffee filter say to the coffee grounds?** Don't worry, I'll let you percolator.
8. **What country drinks the most coffee?** Colombia, obviously! (But close runners-up are Finland and Iceland!)
9. **Why did the scarecrow win an award?** Because he was outstanding in his field! (But a barista who wins an award? Because they're bean there, done that!)
10. **What kind of music does coffee like?*d* Espresso yourself!
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